How to Dry Zinnias

This is a new stash of zinnia seed heads getting dried in a brown box. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This is a new stash of zinnia seed heads getting dried in a brown box. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

These zinnia seeds rotted instead of drying out for next year planting. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

These zinnia seeds rotted instead of drying out for next year planting. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“Charlotte, something is wrong with my zinnia seeds. I tried to dry some and they look gray and yucky. What did I do wrong?” — Melissa

How to Dry Zinnias

Hi Melissa, do they look something like the ones in the photo? If so, they didn’t dry, they rotted from too much moisture. As you can see, I have some as well.

I had a little stash of drying zinnia flower heads in an old planter but it didn’t get enough air to dry out the seeds. The idea is to give them time to dry but not rot. I also didn’t place a paper towel under the seeds to absorb moisture, which is also why they rotted.

On the other hand, my big stash of zinnia seeds were properly dried and I’m on my second seed collection so this is how it should look as you get started.

You need a brown bag or newspaper to help absorb moisture. Paper towels will also work. I am using a brown cardboard liner that came with the brown cardboard box. Remember there’s a hole in the bottom of these boxes or you might spill your zinnias all over the place.

Spread the zinnia seed heads across the bottom so they are flat. If you have more zinnia flower heads than space, spread them out in a second box. You want to keep them one flower head deep so they can dry.

I turn them every time I walk by, ensuring air gets through them as they dry. It also helps me determine whether they are ready for storage.

This is how they should look when they are dry and ready to save.

I save the flower seed heads intact, takes too much time to separate them. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I save the flower seed heads intact, takes too much time to separate them. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

In case this was your one and only zinnia seed stash, let me know, I will be glad to share some of mine.

Zinnias make excellent pollinator food. Although they are not native wildflowers to mid-Missouri, I try to plant some every year. They are easy to grow, pretty to have in the garden and nice cut flowers in addition to feeding a wide range of pollinators.

I think of them as gateway flowers. Once you plant them, you will be encouraged to keep planting flowers and we need all we can get.

Ok, try again, they are worth it!


When To Cut Down Flowers

Cut off dried peony flowers and buds after their blooming season but leave the leaves until they die back. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Cut off dried peony flowers and buds after their blooming season but leave the leaves until they die back. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“Just double checking before I do it, my iris and peonies are finished blooming so I can cut them down now, right?” — Lorri

When to Cut Down Flowers

Hi Lorri, here’s a good rule of thumb. If a plant has finished blooming, that’s a good time to both cut off the spent flowers and move it.

However, don’t cut the entire plant down to the roots. Plants need their leaves to collect sunlight they change into sugar to feed themselves and store energy before they go dormant. I know the dried up flowers and yellowing stems are not exactly appealing but the plants need that greenery.

Here’s a favorite iris that bloomed this year and is ready to have the dried flower heads cut off:

Cut off the dried flowers but leave the green leaves on the rhizomes. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Cut off the dried flowers but leave the green leaves on the rhizomes. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

If you aren’t sure of when to trim, wait until you see the beginning of seed pods growing, then you will know it’s a good time to cut them. If I want a plant to expand, I leave the seed heads on.

Also in the fall, you may want to leave seed heads on so birds will have food over winter.

If you don’t like how they spent flowers look after their blooming season, plant other plants in front and around them to cover up the yellowing leaves. Monkey grass is a nice border plant, as are self heal, Autumn sedum and Stella D’Oro Day lilies.


Does Missouri Have Big Trees?

Humongous tree left at our local recycling center. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Humongous tree left at our local recycling center. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“…you said in your presentation Missouri doesn’t have old trees any more. Does that mean Missouri doesn’t have big trees?” — Lucas

Does Missouri Have Big Trees

Hi Lucas,

What I said was Missouri has experience re-establishing natural communities and local ecosystems because at the turn of the 1900, most of Missouri’s trees were cut down for the railroad expansion out west. The trees were used for railroad ties and whiskey barrels. The world’s largest saw mill was in Grandin, Missouri.

At the same time, Missouri’s wildlife populations were hunted out of extinction; wild turkey, grouse, river otters among other species have been re-introduced over the past decades.

During the 1930s, both the federal government and state of Missouri made a concerted effort to replant Missouri’s forests. The effort created Missouri’s Department of Conservation and USDA Forest Service’s Mark Twain National Forest, both organizations that continue the restoration work.

Having said all that, let me share with you that there are still “big trees” in Missouri on private property. I personally saw one at our local recycling center, reminding me of the concept of a tree of life.

The main trunk was a good 7-8 feet across. I tried to count the tree rings but lost my way, this tree was very old.

This is one of the tree trunks measuring about 7 hands across. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This is one of the tree trunks measuring about 7 hands across. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The size of this tree qualifies for the very technical term “humongous.”

Except for the sequoia trees in California Muir woods, I can’t recall seeing trees this big in North America.

I’m sure there is a reason why it was cut down but I can’t help but think what a shame.


Wildflower Planting

Bruce yard.jpg

Hi Charlotte. The spot of higher grass I would like to replant in native wildflowers. I'm going to check with my extension office to come up with the best plan. Short-plan, kill the grass, edge the outline with heavy cardboard and weed fabric and wood mulch on top. Is this reasonable for a 18" outline all the way around? Haven't decided about middle but I wouldlike to sow seeds in fall before winter. Is this an okay start to developing this site? — Bruce

Wildflower Planting

Hi Bruce,

Excellent start!

If you can put something along the horizontal bottom like a brick edging or a 2x4 in the ground to at least temporarily hold in cardboard and mulch that would also help. It's a little tough to keep cardboard and mulch on that incline during a windy rainstorm. 

 The spot looks sunny so you should be able to grow some wonderful native wildflowers like purple coneflowers, black eyed susans and New England asters, all perennials that have long blooming times and are excellent bee flowers. Shooting stars, a light blue bushy plant, would also work well there...what fun to "go shopping" for what you can add there.

Do you have a Missouri Native Wildflowers catalog? They have great suggestions based on the growing conditions.


What Can I Do About Climate Change?


“How can I help with our climate change. I don’t garden but I want to pitch in. Any suggestions?” — Carla

What Can I Do About Climate Change?

Hi Carla,

You can start recycling the estimated 40% of food that collectively gets tossed out uneaten and unused in the US.

There are several ways you can do that, starting by saving your rotting produce in a bag in the freezer. Once the bag is full, move it outside and bury in a garden hole.

Once you get the habit of saving the produce, you can move to a small recycled plastic container with holes on the bottom and a lid. Mix the food with dried leaves, add a dash of water and close the lid. Here’s what it looks like right after it goes into a composter, which I keep outside but close enough to make it easily accessible.

You will find a variety of composters on the market from small ones to this one that rotates on rollers.

Kitchen scraps, plants pulled from the garden and dried leaves in one of my composters. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Kitchen scraps, plants pulled from the garden and dried leaves in one of my composters. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Don’t put meat and bones in but most other kitchen scrap can be mixed and exposed to heat to turn it into compost.

Within months, the produce and leaves will turn into compost you can then scattered back on your yard.

Still amazes me when compost is done and ready for use. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Still amazes me when compost is done and ready for use. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Compost is basically food for the millions of microorganisms that make up soil. Those microorganisms provide food for the soil that feeds plant roots, which in turn feeds us.

Yes, it can be unpleasant at first. That’s why freezing it will cut down on unpleasant odors. Also taking it outside and either buying it or placing it in a composter will mean you won’t have to deal with unappealing odors. As a matter of fact, once it doesn’t smell is one of the indicators that the produce, garden weeds and dead leaves have turned into compost.

Soil is a non-renewable resource. The better we treat the soil we have, the better off we will all be.

Do another thing. Get yourself one plant - an herb would be a good start, something you would like to include in your diet. I love spearmint, adding the leaves to water is a wonderful summer treat and they are an easy herb to grow.

Another good one for a pot is parsley or rosemary, they grow well both inside and out. Observing a plant will help you better understand how we are all connected.

Thanks for doing your part, let us know what you decide to do!


When Can I Move Daylilies?

Dug up daylilies will turn yellow but once planted, will turn green again. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Dug up daylilies will turn yellow but once planted, will turn green again. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“When can I move daylilies? I have a batch that is now in the middle of my new driveway but I don’t want to lose them….” - Emily

When Can I Move Daylilies

Hi Emily,

My rule of thumb is the best time to move something is right after it has bloomed. In your case, however, the good news is that daylilies are hardy and can be moved almost any time in the growing season. They may not bloom this year but they should recover enough to give you flowers next year.

Since they are currently sitting in the middle of your new driveway, I would dig them up with soil around the roots and set them aside until you can find a new location for them. The soil will help reduce their moving stress and buy you a little time to find them a new home.

Daylilies prefer full sun and can grow in almost any soil type.

If you dig them up and they start turning yellow, that’s an indication they are not photosynthesizing sun into energy because their roots are exposed. If you can’t get them planted, give the roots soil and water and place them in shade to minimize stress.

I have dug up daylilies and moved them directly to a new hole without them missing a beat so if you can move them quickly, that would be best. Remember to water them after you re-plant them and keep them watered nicely until you see them re-established. A blanket of mulch will help keep water in the soil as well.

I recently moved some daylilies in between rain storms and they seem to be settling in quite nicely. Mine had a short detour in the garage for a week because of thunderstorms. The rain softened the soil so getting them planted was easy. Now it’s up to them to settle in.


What Is This Bush?

The telltale, native Missouri Paw Paw tree chocolate brown flowers. (Photo submitted)

The telltale, native Missouri Paw Paw tree chocolate brown flowers. (Photo submitted)

”Charlotte, I wondered if you knew the name of this bush. It might grow into a tree, but it is a large bush in front of my river cabin.” - Elaine

What Is This Bush

Hi Elaine, that is a native Missouri tree, the Paw Paw. Those dark chocolate flowers are a dead giveaway fro the identification and bloom March through May. The paw paw fruits are edible so if you see fruit, enjoy, just don’t eat the seeds.

The Paw Paw trees remind me of a Tree of Life for Missouri. Paw Paws grow well in Missouri and are seeing a comeback among restaurant chefs. They can be grown in deep pots but are best in the ground since they can grow very tall.

According to Missouri Botanical Garden, Asimina triloba, commonly called pawpaw, is a Missouri native small understory tree or large shrub which typically grows 15-20' tall (sometimes to 30') and occurs in low bottom woods, wooded slopes, ravines and along streams.

Pawpaw often spreads by root suckers to form colonies or thickets. Large, slightly drooping, elliptical, medium green leaves (6-12" long) retain green color well into fall before turning to a bright (but sometimes undistinguished) yellow. Cup-shaped, purple flowers (3 green sepals and 6 purple petals in two tiers) appear in spring, and give way to edible, oblong, yellowish green fruits which mature in early autumn to a dark brown. Flavor and fleshy consistency of the sweet-flavored fruits resembles bananas. Fruits are frequently eaten raw or used in ice creams or pies, although they can produce nausea in some people.

Wildlife (e.g., raccoons, squirrels and opossums) eagerly seek out the fruits and often beat humans to the harvest. Early Americans made a yellow dye from the pulp of the ripened fruit.

Genus name comes from the Latinized version of the French form of the Indian name for this North American genus.

The back of the paw paw tree flowers are chartreuse green. (Photo submitted)

The back of the paw paw tree flowers are chartreuse green. (Photo submitted)

I may try to grow some on my hillside as a bush once I find a wet spot since they like more moist areas.


What Plant Is This?

Mystery Plant 1.jpg

“I have had this plant for nearly 30 years and at the time I received it it was a large mature plant. (Several years ago I subdivided it and repotted it.) This plant has only bloomed for me just a handful of times and then it was during July-August. The blooms were half again as long as my Thanksgiving cactus, more of a reddish-orange in color and the individual petals were longer and curled back more giving the blossoms a more "frilly" look.

 What do I have here? Is it a Christmas Cactus that has a mind of its own re. blooming? 

 I now live in FL and there are no large shade trees I can put this under during spring through fall. I keep it inside with indirect sunlight. I know temp and lighting conditions are not of the type to induce blooming.

 Any thoughts or suggestions? Thank you!’ — Linda

What Plant Is This?

Mystery plant 2.jpg

Hi Linda,

You have a genuine, no longer on the market Christmas cactus. A couple of years ago someone gave me their 35-year plant  (see photos) that is currently blooming.

See how the leaf pads of my Christmas cactus is the same as yours? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

See how the leaf pads of my Christmas cactus is the same as yours? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Christmas cactus like to be crowded to bloom so re-potting may have interfered with their blooming cycle. They also prefer sandy soil. Since they are so shallow-rooted, the sand makes it easier for them to grow.

 Since you are in Florida, their light requirements may have interfered with their blooming cycle. To get them to bloom, they need to be placed in the dark for a few weeks. You can place them in a dark room or cover with a box or bag for at least 12 hours a day for a month. Once tiny buds appear, you can give them light again.

Their darkness requirements are similar to Poinsettias, originally from Mexico, that also require being in the dark for a few weeks in fall so their bracts turn red by Christmas.

So if you want them to bloom around Christmas, put them in the dark in September or October and you should have flowers by December.

My Christmas cactus currently in bloom. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

My Christmas cactus currently in bloom. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

These plants originated from the Espirito Santo area of Brazil. The Thanksgiving cactus has taken over the retail market as a "Christmas cactus" since they have been bred to have a variety of colors and the original "Christmas cactus" is no longer sold.

Thanksgiving cactus, by the way, has little spikes on the end of their pads, like little horns. The original Christmas cactus pads are long and smooth.

Thanksgiving cactus have little spikes on their fleshy pads. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Thanksgiving cactus have little spikes on their fleshy pads. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Let me know if this works for you, it has kept my variety of both Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter cacti continuously blooming!


What To Do About Loosing Our Planet



“Charlotte, I’m so depressed over the UN report on climate change, the world has 10 years to change and no one seems to be paying attention. What can I do to help?” – Meghan

Hi Meghan,

The United Nations report was dire, indeed, but there are things we can all do. All will require some planning and habit changes, which some may not want to do but since this is our home we are loosing, hopefully most will pitch in. The following are 15 suggestions:

1.     Walk more. We are too reliant on fossil fuels including coal, oil and gas. By planning to walk more, we can reduce using gas for our cars and improve our health. Just 15 minutes outside will get us all the minimum daily requirement of vitamin D and also kick off the endorphins that makes us all feel better.

 2.     Consolidate car trips. Again designed to reduce our use of gas, better plan trips so that you’re not using as much gas. Besides reducing the fossil fuel load, you will save money.

 3.     Ride a bike. If you have a community that has bike lanes and safe drivers, dust off that bike and start riding it.

 4.     If you are buying a car, look at hybrids and electric cars.

 5.     Save water. If you keep your faucet running when you brush your teeth, turn the faucet off until you need water again. Use a dishwasher, it uses less water than hand washing; set it on the economy setting. Plant plants that don’t need constant watering such as natives to your area.

 6.     Install rain barrels on your gutter system. Rain water is better for plants and will help cut down on your water bill.

 7.     If installing and replacing a heating and cooling system, pick a heat pump.

 8.     When replacing your water heater, install a solar-powered one.

 9.     Re-think your diet. Reduce eating red meat once a week, then slowly cut back a second day. Less red meat consumption will reduce methane gas production.

 10. Buy less food. Nationally, US residents throw away 40% of the food they buy so be more deliberate with food shopping. Freeze what you can’t eat, plan for leftovers and make sure to compost what you don’t want to eat. Composting  helps keep soil healthy and soil keeps our plants, and us, healthy.

 11.  Buy local produce. Farmer’s markets, grocery stores and local farmers all offer locally-grown produce that is less fertilizer and pesticide-intensive to grow. And it tastes better, too.

 12. Choose items made from renewable and easily sustainable bamboo.

 13. Dust off your grandmother’s china and start using real dinnerware and utensils, no more plastic.

 14. Carry a set of reusable bags to carry groceries and other items instead of store plastic bags.

 15. When voting, select candidates who recognize the threat and commit to working together to change our country’s direction.

 What else can you think of doing to reduce your carbon foot print?


Do You Want to Keep Ash Trees with Borers?

Emerald ash borer exit hole on the side of one of my former ash trees. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Emerald ash borer exit hole on the side of one of my former ash trees. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“Charlotte, I read that you now have emerald ash borers in your trees and you are using the cut down ones for flower borders. Will keeping the cut down tree trunks on your property spread emerald ash borers? I am also thinking of using the cut down trees as flower bed borders but I don’t want to encourage the destructive bugs….” — Peter

Do You Want to Keep Ash Trees with Borers?

Hi Peter, I had the very same question for our Missouri Department of Conservation. I live in Phelps County in mid-Missouri. one of the 114 counties in the state. Most are now reporting emerald ash borers. Here was the answer they gave me:

“Your area is known to have a building population of emerald ash borer (EAB). By keeping the trees on your property, you aren't spreading this insect. If your trees were infested prior to being cut, then it's likely that some of the EAB larvae that are currently in the trees will finish their lifecycle this spring and chew out as adult beetles in May. The beetles won't re-infest your ash wood, however, so your ash wood won't continue to be a source of food for EAB. You may notice lots of other native borers that attack the wood, since many of our native species help with decomposing dead trees on the forest floor. When I use ash in my garden and flower beds, I usually get about 2 years out of a large chunk before the native borers break it down to the point where it isn't useful to me.

You might extend the life of the wood by applying a product to prevent borers, like BoraCare or TimBor, or even sealing the wood with an outdoor wood sealer. 

Since the only food source for EAB is ash trees, you have effectively discouraged this pest from your yard by removing your ash. If you have other ash on the property that you hope to keep alive, then I would recommend treating them with insecticide. More information can be found in this treatment guide: 

Robbie Doerhoff
Forest Entomologist”

Insecticides are out of the question for me since I keep bees so I am resolved that I will lose the rest of my ash trees and am already planning what to plant in their stead.


When to Plant Mums

Chrysanthemums are popular fall flowers to plant for color. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Chrysanthemums are popular fall flowers to plant for color. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“Hello, we recently bought mums to plant in the flower beds around our home. What time of year should we plant mums? And what else can we do to guarantees they come back every year? Thank you.” — Alyssa

When to Plant Mums

Hi Alyssa,

It's getting late in the season to plant mums but as long as the ground is not frozen you should be able to still get them in. Make sure they, and the soil you are planting them in, is well-watered before you add the plants. Once in, add mulch to keep their soil temperature from fluctuating. A nice blanket of wet dried leaves will work if you don't have anything else handy.

The key to pulling mums through winter is to keep them regularly watered. I take 2 old milk jugs full of water out to my garden twice a month and water my mums if we haven't had rain and/snow. You are basically keeping the roots hydrated so they can establish themselves.

Don't cut off the dry flowers, those will protect the new growth that will start at the bottom in the center.

If you want to add more mums, spring is a good time to get starts, that way the plant has all growing season to establish itself and grow. To maximize blooms, pinch off the starts every week until July 4, that will keep their shape rounded and bushy.

If you have any other questions, please let me know. Good luck!


When Is It Too Late to Plant in Fall?

Part of my stash of sale plants I am getting into the ground in late October in mid-Missouri. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Part of my stash of sale plants I am getting into the ground in late October in mid-Missouri. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

“Charlotte, that’s a pile of plants to get into the ground before winter. We had a frost last night, aren’t you afraid the cold weather will kill them off?” — Darryl

When Is It Too Late to Plant in Fall?

Hi Darryl,

I would if I had not done this a few times before. The question of when to stop planting has to do with how cold the soil is, not the first hard frost. In USDA Hardiness zone 5b, although we may have our first killing frost around Halloween, which kills off the top of the plant, the critical part of the plant that needs to get established is the roots. The soil where I live stays warm well into December.

That’s why fall is a good time to plant trees. There will be a good 4-6 weeks before the ground hardens and the winter cold pushes plants into dormancy.

Plants that have been established in pots over the growing season have strong enough roots to get them into the ground now so they can settle in before the winter soil freeze. I would be less enthusiastic if these plants were recently planted and their roots were still developing. When you see roots waving at you from the bottom of the pot that’s a sure sign the roots have had a good growing spurt.

If you have bare root plants, I would pot them in new potting soil, water them well and bury them in a garden area still in their pots. A nice mulch blanket of dry leaves will keep moisture in the soil and protect the plants from temperature fluctuations. I also place a couple of handfuls of wet dry leaves in the bottom of the hole to make sure the roots have access to moisture.

I will do the same thing with any plants I can’t get into the ground now.

I have successfully pulled a number of plants through winter still in their pots in my nursery area but I do feel guilty when they are still growing there after 2 years. I really should move them into their final growing space in my garden.


How to Fix a Bird Bath

Ready made concrete applied to old bird bath edges can easily restore an old bird bath to use. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Ready made concrete applied to old bird bath edges can easily restore an old bird bath to use. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

How to Fix a Bird Bath

"...I have an old bird bath I love but the top has broken and now doesn't hold water. Is there a way I can easily fix it? I am NOT handy at all...." -- Susan

Hi Susan, there are no guarantees but it's worth investing in a small container of ready mix concrete and see what you can do.

I had a similar bird bath that literally came apart after I tried to repair it with concrete. When the old part of the bird bath fell away, I was left with a new top that was literally rough around the edges.

Armed with a small container of ready mix concrete and a level, I added a finished rim to the bird bath so now it will hold water. It may take a few days for the concrete the dry all of the way through so I try to stay away from knocking into it.

It helps to have a small container of water handy as you're working with the ready made concrete. The water allows you to wet the concrete and easily reshape it.

Here's my old bird bath with the top still drying:

Here's my old bird bath with a new ready made concrete edge around the top rim. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Here's my old bird bath with a new ready made concrete edge around the top rim. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The rocks? I keep rocks and twigs in my bird baths to give my honeybees safe landing spots, they are also looking for water in record hot summer days.


Are Peonies Good Cut Flowers?

Cut peonies out of my garden in my kitchen going on two weeks now.

Cut peonies out of my garden in my kitchen going on two weeks now.

"...I've had a terrible time keeping peonies inside as cut flowers. They die within a day. What am I doing wrong?" -- Stephanie

Are Peonies Good Cut Flowers

Hi Stephanie,

Sorry you are having trouble enjoying cut peonies inside, peonies are one of the many garden flowers that make wonderful cut flowers, it is one of the reasons why I love having them in my garden. Besides the beauty of the flowers and watching ants on the buds, cut peonies have a lovely fragrance that infuses any room. I like to add bouquets to bathrooms and, obviously, my kitchen.

See if these 5 tips will help you have cut peonies that last more than a day inside:

1. Cut the peony flowers when the buds are starting to unfurl, not when the flowers are in full bloom. Make sure to shake off the ants before bringing them inside.

2. Use tap water you've let sit for at least a day to eliminate fluoride or rain water in the vase.

3. Trim the flower stems every day or every other day and give them new water.

4. Place the flower vase away from heating and air conditioning vents. Don't place your vase on top of a hot TV, next to a stove or anything that radiates heat.

5. Keep furry paws away from the flowers. I do battle with one of my cats that likes to bop the peony buds like tiny boxing bags.

Let me know how these work for you. Peonies are well worth the effort!



Easy Way to Water

One way to make sure you are not watering too much is to first check the soil with your finger.

One way to make sure you are not watering too much is to first check the soil with your finger.

"...the most beautiful plants, love your winter reading nook. I kill mine, usually by drowning. How do I keep from giving my plants too much water?" -- Emily

Easy Way To Water

Hi Emily,

It's so easy to over water, especially when one doesn't use ways to check if plant needs water. I press my finger into the soil first to make sure they are hydrated before I add water. In winter, plants dry out faster because heat impacts the moisture in soil so if I have to guess, I water.

The second trick I use is very simple.

Using a spray bottle to water ensures you don't give your plants too much water.

Using a spray bottle to water ensures you don't give your plants too much water.

I use a spray bottle. It is an easier way to make sure I am not watering too much and I also use that method in summer. Plants not only enjoy the misting but watering them with a spray bottle better controls the amount of water added.

Now I still give my plants a good drink every few days to make sure the roots are nicely wet but using a spray bottle should help you better moderate how much water you add.

When you pot your plants, also consider punching holes in the sides of a used water bottle and place it low in the pot so you can mound soil up around it. Once settled in, you can fill up the bottle with water and the holes will make sure the soil towards the bottom of the pot, where the roots are, also gets moisture.

One of the old water bottles with punctured holes in one of my inside flower pots.

One of the old water bottles with punctured holes in one of my inside flower pots.

There's another way to measure moisture but I'm not sure how well this works. This is a meter that supposedly tells you if your plants have enough water or not. I am trying it out this winter in my potted plants but I am sure it won't work outside in the ground.

This moisture, ph and light meter is supposed to help grow better plants, testing it now.

This moisture, ph and light meter is supposed to help grow better plants, testing it now.

Use old milk bottles to hold tap water for a day or two so added chemicals can dissipate.

Use old milk bottles to hold tap water for a day or two so added chemicals can dissipate.

I also recycle milk bottles to hold tap water for a couple of days. Tap water has added fluoride that should be evaporated before you add tap water to plants. Don't keep a lid on the milk bottles or you won't let the fumes evaporate.

Also in winter, use room temperature water so saving them in milk jugs provides that. If you water plants with cold tap water you are bound to kill the plants by shocking the roots, most inside plants are tropical plants and are used to warm water.

I also save rain water in spring and summer for my plants in these jugs, they love the rain water.

Frankly use the spray bottle and get used to checking the plant soil before you add water should work just fine. Let me know how this works for you!


Planting Surprise Lily Bulbs

Dried surprise lily bulbs ready to be planted, they look similar to daffodil bulbs.

Dried surprise lily bulbs ready to be planted, they look similar to daffodil bulbs.

"We couldn't find any bone we settled on some bulb fertilizer. I mixed a tablespoon in each of the 34 holes I dug before I deposited the Pink Lady bulb. "A"  told us a week ago she is already seeing the greenery coming up. Should she top dress or side dress with the bulb fertilizer? If so when, how  much and where?" -- Kenny

Planting Surprise Lily Bulbs

Hi Kenny,

That's exciting, means the bulbs are settling in well, that's not a garden surprise, is it?

No, if you added bulb fertilizer in the bottom of the holes before planting that should be enough. Leave the bulbs alone until you start seeing little buds on stalks popping up.

Surprise lily buds start growing mid-July in my Missouri hillside garden.

Surprise lily buds start growing mid-July in my Missouri hillside garden.

Once the greenery is up, let it go through its full cycle and turn yellow, don't cut it or remove the greenery, that's how the bulbs build up their energy.

I plant surprise lilies in flower beds where other flowers help to cover them as they die down.

I plant surprise lilies in flower beds where other flowers help to cover them as they die down.

I tend to plant mine with other plants around them so they cover up the greenery as it dies back.

We should have a good year for surprise lilies, the cold temperatures will trigger the growth.

We should have a good year for surprise lilies, the cold temperatures will trigger the growth.

The cold temperatures winter 2017-2018 will set the bulbs to blooming later this year.



Planting Visiting Daffodil Bulbs

Some of the 70 lbs of daffodil bulbs vacationing in Missouri from my brother's Virginia garden.

Some of the 70 lbs of daffodil bulbs vacationing in Missouri from my brother's Virginia garden.

Visiting Daffodil Bulbs

"So.... do you just store the bulbs for now or plant them????" -- Vicki

Hi Vicki,

I plant them now! I can't wait until next year, the daffodil bulbs are already starting to grow, which means they are using the energy stored in the bulbs. If I wait, they will grow and die because they can't repurpose soil nutrients into stored food without being in soil.

As long as the soil isn't frozen, those of us who live in USDA Hardiness zone 5b can continue to plant, if we don't mind being out in cold weather. Bulbs, shrubs, trees can all be settled in this time of year.

You can also move some perennials but I prefer to wait until spring, or when they are just starting to grow to do that in most cases. I don't always remember what I planted in a spot. Chances are good if I dig someplace, the spot is already occupied.

Some of the daffodils cut out of my garden last year, love their sunny disposition!

Some of the daffodils cut out of my garden last year, love their sunny disposition!

Love for the sunny daffodils runs in our family, I have a hillside full of them. One of my neighbors used to call my garden "daffodil land." I have them scattered in places where they can expand on their own - it's called naturalizing - and they aren't missed when I sneak out to pick a few!

For my brother's daffodil bulbs, I have them in a large flower bed planted in rows so they can easily be dug up later. I also have some at the corner of a path I can see from my living room window so I can enjoy them when they finally bloom.

It could be a couple of years before the bulbs have enough energy but that's okay, they are worth the wait. I have some yellow roses that can add a splash of sunshine in the garden in the meantime.

Do you have daffodils in your garden?










Christmas Cactus Blooming Out of Season

The cactus on the left is a Thanksgiving cactus, the one on the right a Christmas cactus.

The cactus on the left is a Thanksgiving cactus, the one on the right a Christmas cactus.

Christmas Cactus Blooming Out of Season

“The Christmas cactus from my grandmother is getting ready to bloom, what did I do wrong? – Martha

Hi Martha, I also have a “Christmas” cactus blooming right now, I’m embracing the blooms and calling it my Winter cactus. These hardy tropical plants need a little help to bloom on cue here in Missouri. Back in their native Brazil ,they have weather triggers to get them to bloom in December, the beginning of the South American summer.

Your cactus may be the older, true Christmas cactus if it came from your grandmother. Most cactuses sold on the market today are actually Thanksgiving cacti, which explains why they tend to bloom end of November.

To determine what kind of cactus you have, look at the green fronds. The original Christmas cactuses (Schlumbergera bridgesii) have smooth, round edges while Thanksgiving cacti (Schlumbergera truncata) have pointy, jagged ones.

Mine started to bloom because I had it outside on my back porch last fall. Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are called "short day plants" meaning in order to produce flower buds, they require fewer daylight hours and/or cool night temperatures. Our fall shorter days and cooler nights signal the plants to produce buds.

To get your Christmas cactus to bloom when you want the blooms, locate it indoors in a cool, bright location where daytime temperatures are 65-70° F and evening temperatures are 55-65° F. If plants are exposed to cooler night temperatures of 55° F, plants will bloom in approximately 5-6 weeks, sometimes regardless of the day length.

My Thanksgiving cactus in bloom, see the spiky ends to the green fronds?

My Thanksgiving cactus in bloom, see the spiky ends to the green fronds?

I frankly don’t mind when they bloom out of season, I love having them in bloom any time they decide the time is right. Maybe you can also leave Santa Claus a note?

Aren't they beautiful??


Native Gardener's Companion

Prairie Moon Nursery's catalog has plants and seeds easily identified as pollinator plants. 

Prairie Moon Nursery's catalog has plants and seeds easily identified as pollinator plants. 

"Hi Charlotte, I enjoy our blog and newspaper articles so much! Do you happen to have a recommendation for a native plant catalog that shows how to handle monarch seeds and other wildflowers? I haven't been able to get too many wildflower seeds to sprout..." -- Anne Marie

Native Plant Catalog with How to Guides

Hi Anne Marie,

Glad you enjoy my writing. That's a very good question because many wildflowers do need special care before they will grow, something some people don't realize when they pick up wildflower seeds.

Stratification is exposing seeds to the same conditions they would have in nature to break their dormancy, something akin to kissing Sleeping Beauty to get her to wake up. Some seeds require moisture and warmth, others exposure to cold for a period of time, and even others such as pine tree seeds need exposure to heat and fire. Many seeds sold today don't tell you whether they have been pre-conditioned or not so if you're not sure, it's best to treat the seeds.

My favorite native plant catalog just arrived marked "damaged by the Postal Service" so my apologies for the rough look, I didn't do it, I promise!

I posted this so you could see USPS damage stamp but my, my those free seeds are distracting.

I posted this so you could see USPS damage stamp but my, my those free seeds are distracting.

Prairie Moon Nursery's native North American Wildflowers plant catalog with handy guides.

Prairie Moon Nursery's native North American Wildflowers plant catalog with handy guides.

My favorite native plant catalog with how to guides is the Native Gardener's companion out of Winona, Minnesota is Prairie Moon Nursery's Native Gardener's Companion, Seeds and Plants of authentic North American Wildflowers for Restoration and Gardening. Whew, long title but it gives you an excellent idea of what you will find inside.

Not only do they have lovely photographs of wildflowers, a must for any reference catalog, but they have added "how to" guides including a very helpful guide to stratification. They call it "germination codes and instructions," a handy guide to how to unlock those seeds and how long they need to be exposed to specific conditions.  

Prairie Moon Nursery catalog guide to germination has photos to illustrate the information.

Prairie Moon Nursery catalog guide to germination has photos to illustrate the information.

Not sure what to plant together? This catalog has suggested planting combinations, which always gives me some good ideas for where to add plants to ones I already have started, or how to combine the ones I may find on sale. Since I tend to be a frugal shopper, these combinations are great inspiration because I don't always buy the plants that end up together at the same time. Or my friends don't share their surplus plants when I get other ones.

This is also another good source for plants if you don't want to wait, they are locally-grown, not wild-dug, and at least 1-2 years old, which is unusual any more. That means these are established plants and have a better chance of successfully transplanting.

Some of the wonderful plant combinations, and color combination inspiration.

Some of the wonderful plant combinations, and color combination inspiration.

Back to those tempting seed packets. The seed packets are $2.50 each which is a less expensive way to try new native plants to see if you can grow them, and if they take in your growing conditions.

This last seed mix name had me chuckling, we all want seeds to quickly start, don't we?

Prairie Moon Nursery native plant catalog features quick seed mixes for pollinators.

Prairie Moon Nursery native plant catalog features quick seed mixes for pollinators.

Not sure what plants attract what pollinators? Let's all turn to page 35-36, they have a wonderful guide on what kinds of plants attract what pollinators. And to those of you new to this, if you find your brand new plants munched on, congratulations, that means some bug found the food source you planted for them.

This Plant-Insect Interaction guide provides a cheat sheet for what to plant for what pollinators.

This Plant-Insect Interaction guide provides a cheat sheet for what to plant for what pollinators.

Their plant photos actually feature some of the pollinators that are attracted to the wildflowers. I now am at a point in my garden photography that if I don't see a pollinator on a plant, the photo is not complete, every plant with a pollinator on it is a story. Aren't these just marvelous??

Love, LOVE these plants photos with visiting pollinators, this is the way flower photos should be!

Love, LOVE these plants photos with visiting pollinators, this is the way flower photos should be!

One more note, Prairie Moon Nursery has this native plants catalog and a more detailed cultural planting guide for advance gardeners and professional landscapers. You can also download both catalogs online if you don't want to wait for a catalog to be mailed to you.

If you live close to where they are located, make sure to call first, tours of the nursery are only available through appointment.

Sigh. I sure do like seeds. So this year, every Prairie Moon Nursery order includes a free packet of Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), I have bergamot growing all over my one-acre certified wildlife and Monarch Way Station hillside garden but I would gladly add more!

Let me know what you think of the Prairie Moon Nursery catalogs, and if you try out any seed packets!




Source for Old Marigold Seeds

Marigolds growing in my old vegetable garden.

Marigolds growing in my old vegetable garden.

"Char, I'm looking for a source for old-fashioned marigolds. Bill says the new ones don't work as well as the old ones. Thoughts?" -- Ardith

Source for Old Marigold Seeds

Hi Ardith, from what I have read marigolds have been hybridized to the point where they are not as effective as they used to be to deter bugs. I used to plant them every year to not only deter bugs but to provide long-lasting cut flowers.

I now use annual basil to line my garden beds and include pots of basil between other potted plants to deter insects.

Marigolds Baker Creek had in their 2017 catalog. My 2018 catalog is around here somewhere....

Marigolds Baker Creek had in their 2017 catalog. My 2018 catalog is around here somewhere....

One of the best sources for heirloom seeds is Baker Creek in Mansfield, Missouri. The seed company started to preserve heirloom and old-fashioned seeds and has quickly become a major provider of the kinds of seeds you are trying to find.

Stick with the old-fashioned varieties like tiny French marigold. The white ones were introduced a couple of decades ago and have almost no scent. They are pretty to have in the garden but don't do much to deter bugs.
