Easy to Grow Orchids - Really!

Almost a year ago this February, I was given a basket full of moth orchids in pots. They were lovely flowers - pinks, peaches, pinks and whites, even chartreuse...and I panicked, trying to think about how I would explain their most likely demise.

A year later, all 8 moth orchids are in various stages of re-bloom, in spite of several falls; missing a couple of weekends of watering, and in another case a couple of weekends of over-watering. Not to mention periodic pats on leaves and nudges to the blooms by a curious cat.

What I've learned to love about moth orchids is how easy they are to care for and how long the blooms last - literally months. And once they're through, snipping the stem at a node encourages stem regrowth. In terms of care, few plants are easier. I water mine on Sundays with 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and periodically check for bugs and give leaves a sponge bath. I've also given them diluted orchid food every 6 weeks or so. Resting plants sit on a window sill with southern exposure during winter; in summer they spend several months on a shaded deck where they can get rain. When they start to bloom, I move them into a room where I can enjoy them again.

So if you received a lovely moth orchid. enjoy. These lovely plants require very little care and will give you months, and years, of enjoyment.
